Flying above life's trials into happy, new beginnings!

Flying above life's trials into happy, new beginnings!

Welcome To My Safe Haven

Sometimes when I speak, the words come out all jumbled as though they are trying, with much struggle, as rocks, to   fit their way through a filter. I've always admired people who speak fluently and with eloquence. I believe your speech displays your level of understanding, thinking, your intelligence, your self-confidence, your individuality, your expression… or lack thereof.
When I journal, my thoughts are organized, nicely, in lovely sentences… or sometimes not so lovely. I prefer to write exactly how I feel, than to speak without expression and understanding, and so I do just that. I journalize, I've kept diaries, from High School, till present. I've written letters to people when I couldn't find the right ways to explain myself with speech. I've written songs, I've written poems. I express my innermost hurt, my joys, my triumphs, the easiest, in writing.
Sometimes, for long periods of time, I'd stop. I'd stop writing and journaling, and expressing my thoughts on paper. When I stop, because I'm caught up on the many paths of life, I feel like I've lost myself. I feel like there's something missing. Writing is a safe place for me, a Safe Haven. When I stop, I feel like I've left my Safe Haven and gone where expression is suppressed and trapped. When I'm back, I feel free, FREE to say just what I want to, just how I meant to. I promise not to leave again.
I've never really shared my Safe Haven with anyone. I feared that I'd be thought of as weak and vulnerable, or selfish and proud, or too prudent or too anything-that's-disliked. I've come to realize that people are almost always not how they'd like the world to see them. Many are misunderstood, many go through struggles, just as much as the next person and many are longing for inspiration. Inspiration is my way of life. I pray that my shared thoughts would reach those who struggle just as I do to get through life. As I allow you to enter my Safe Haven, I hope that my words, my life is light to lift you up and shine in your path to better decisions, better habits, morals, values… a happier life. 

Love Tiffany, Your E.F.W., Your B.F.

PS: E.F.W. and B.F. stand for Empress From Within & Butterfly Faith, respectively.

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