Flying above life's trials into happy, new beginnings!

Flying above life's trials into happy, new beginnings!

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

A Wavering Spirit? | Le Voyage

There is a way of Christian-thinking that I abhor.
The thinking that discourages clear thought, review and logical analysis of the Bible and even the beliefs of a church. Any thinking contrary to what was learned, any thinking that breathes doubt and discernment is seen as a "wavering spirit" that will only lead you away from God.
I don't believe this.
I think that people should be allowed to question the beliefs that they've for so long followed because they had no true choice; or even, question it all to have a deeper and fuller understanding. An understanding of its principles, doctrines, structure, hierarchy, operations.
I believe God - the only Almighty God - that has led me all my life - has not forsaken me even when I - Him; and I believe that He will never reveal truths to me that will bring separation and a spirit of hate between us. As I learn more of His love, power and majesty, I pray that I grow closer to Him. I strive for a true relationship with Him - a divine, holy, and continuously connected one. I yearn to live out His plans for my life. I yearn to be what He wants me to be. I never question His presence in my life, but I do sometimes question my acknowledgement of such. My journey will take me further into His arms, where I'll never deny Him. I believe also that He has endowed me with all the faculties I need for this growth to occur. I love Him - The Almighty.

"Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you into All Truth... He will show you things to come." - John 16:13

- Yours Thoughtfully,


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